#10 BP Series: And in Conclusion...

Letter to My Future Self
Dear Aimee,

Happy 28th Birthday!
I'm writing this letter from a psychiatric hospital; hopefully by the time it reaches you that side of things will all be a distant memory. I hope you can look back on it though and recognise how far you've come since these days. I hope you're still happy that they saved your life, and I hope you manage to do everything you're excited for at the moment. Don't ever lose your excitement for the future. Don't ever again stop believing you have and deserve a future. And don't ever stop appreciating the small things; remember all of your hard work and enjoy every minute of your life.
Don't forget about all the people who've save your life. I hope that when you read this, your Mum is still a massive part of your life and that you finally feel you've paid her back for I hope that you can still find positives in your loss. I know you and Chelsea will still be best-friends; don't ever let her walk out of your life - she's very special.
I hope Saffy is still going strong and that she has a friend in the kitten that's motivating you to be discharged.
But mostly, I hope you're still happy and loved.
23-year-old Aimee

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